Project Team: Lunar Materials for Solar Power Satellites

updated 01-22-2009


Using Moon Rocks to Save the Earth (pdf format slide show) by Dr. Peter J. Schubert

Project Introduction: Promoting a vision of a network of Solar Power Satellites largely built from Lunar Materials

Input to the National Academies Questionnaire on Space Policy: Solar Power Satellites

Discussion Forum

What is involved
  • To transform such a possibility into reality will require that we upgrade the readiness state of many of the technologies needed, inventing other needed technologies from scratch.
  • It will mean homework to determine the economic costs and advantages of each step.
  • It will require an enormous public, media, and political outreach effort. It will require identifying sources of funding at every step of the way.

An Open Invitation

Moon Society members, friends, and visitors are all welcome to participate in an effort to advance this goal. In the process of realizing this scenario, the vision of an extensive civilian lunar frontier civilization earning their keep by helping solve one of Earth's most challenging problems, will come true.

As you can see from the short list of what will  be involved, above, there are many ways individuals like you can help support this effort, from brainstorming, to technology R&D, to public outreach, to creation of outreach materials.

This will be easily the most aggressive and challenging project that The Moon Society has yet to undertake. We have already earned a reputation as "the Little Engine that Could," but that is a reputation we have to keep earning! We cannot allow ourselves to "rust on our laurels."


Dr. Peter J. Schubert -
Peter Kokh -


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