Notice: Undefined index: MoonUser in /virtual/moonsociety/htdocs/teams/index.php on line 284 Notice: Undefined index: MoonMember in /virtual/moonsociety/htdocs/teams/index.php on line 286 Moon Society: Teams
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Moon Society Teams

Notice: Undefined variable: member_details in /virtual/moonsociety/htdocs/teams/index.php on line 319 Bay Area Moon Society
Chapters Team
Conference Team
General Discussion
Houston Chapter
Leadership Council
Mid Atlantic Chapter
Milwaukee Chapter
Moon Society India
Moonbase Simulation
North Texas Chapter
Oregon Chapter
Outreach Committee
San Diego Chapter
St. Louis Chapter
United Kingdom Chapter
Utah Moon Society
Web Team

Public Mailing Lists

General Discussion Mailing List  (
Daily discussions about the Artemis Project are available from our General Discussion electronic mailing list. These messages are available in both direct-mail and digest forms. The digest of all the messages received during the day gets mailed out as one big email message around midnight Central Time each day. On the direct mailing list, messages are sent to you as soon as they are received at the ASI mail server.
Your E-mail Address:
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Artemis Project News Announcements  (
Periodic news announcements are sent to the Artemis Project News Announcements electronic mailing list.
Your E-mail Address:

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