Legislative Activism

updated January 20, 2008

Moon Society Members can help by working to originate, edit, amend legislation to encourage a legislative and regulatory climate that will aid the cause of space development.

In this area of activity, we encourage members to participate in the efforts prioritized by our major affiliate, the National Space Society.


NSS Current Alerts (see page above for details):

[LoST Alert 03 Oct 07]
Private Property Rights in Space in Serious Jeopardy due to the Law of the Sea Treaty (LoST)
NSS White Paper: Rejecting the Law of the Sea Treaty (LoST) (pdf file)

[Mars Alert 04Sep07]
Moon, Mars, and Beyond is in serious jeopardy!

NSS efforts involve letter writing (hardcopy, fax, email, phone calls) to people in Congress.

Guidelines for Contacting Elected Representatives

A way to keep informed of what's going on

1.) email actionforspace@gmail.com with your name, zip code, and state.

2.) wait for specific emails about local debates, visiting congressman, and when legislation is coming up for votes. These emails will describe where the event is, which bill is up for vote, or contact information for your representative (email address, phone number, etc.)

Annual in-person group efforts.

We also give you the opportunity to join the annual in person, group effort to visit key legislators and key legislative staff people in Washington, DC. This opportunity may be especially of interest to members living in or near the nation's Capital.

The Moon Society, the National Space Society, and eleven other organizations are part of The Space Exploration Alliance formed in 2004. Below is a link to our current campaign.

2008 Legislative Blitz - February 10-12 - Washington DC

The March Storm

Prospace.org has also been organizing such efforts annually for some time. National Space Society members, as well as Mars Society members have been active participants. Now it is time for us to join this annual ritual. If you are interested, please contact Prospace directly.

March Storm 2008 - March 9th - March 12th

Feedback to the Society on your efforts

While as a Moon Society member you are in no way obligated to report their participation in any of efforts to the Moon Society, we would indeed appreciate any feedback.

Inter-group collaboration

The Moon Society's affiliate program is designed to give members additional resources and activity outlets that complement the Society's own programs and efforts, without duplicating them. Our current (non-local) affiliate are:
The American Lunar Society (shared certificate program)

The National Space Society (affiliation announcemet)

We are always looking for ways to collaborate productively with other organizations. Your feedback and suggestions along these lines are always welcome.

Other Ways to be Active

The Moon Society is blessed to have a high percentage of its membership involved in promoting our goals in one way or another, some in team efforts, others purely on their own. Moon Society members are also encouraged
  • Send "letters to the editor" commenting on inaccurate or unfriendly posts
  • Start a new Moon Society Outpost by volunteering to be the local contact persons in your community
  • For more suggestions, see Volunteers and Sparkplugs

Other Links

Action For Space Blog

Contact us

If you have an idea on how we can improve this page or add to the options listed above, please contact us at president@moonsociety.org


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