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Moon Society Affiliates







The Moon Society is a non-profit educational and scientific foundation formed to further scientific study and development of the moon.

From The Moon Society Bylaws:

The objectives of this Society shall be, but are not limited to:


  • The creation of a space-faring civilization which will establish communities on the Moon; promotion of large-scale industrialization and private enterprise on the Moon;
  • The promotion of interest in the exploration, research, development, and habitation of the Moon, through the media of conferences, the press, library and museum exhibits, and other literary and educational means;
  • The support, by funding or otherwise, of scholarships, libraries, museums and other means of encouraging the study of the Moon and related technologies;
  • The stimulation of the advancement and development of applications of space and related technologies and encouragement of entrepreneurial development thereof;
  • The bringing together of persons from government, industry, educational institutions, the press, and other walks of life for the exchange of information about the Moon;
  • Promoting collaboration between various societies and groups interested in developing and utilizing the Moon.
  • Informing the public at large on matters related to the Moon; and
  • The provision of suitable recognition and honor to individuals and organizations which have contributed to the advancement of the exploration, research, development, and habitation of the Moon, as well as scientific and technological developments related thereto.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the relationship between the Moon Society and Artemis Society International?
The Moon Society and ASI are separately incorporated organizations. The Moon Society is a membership organization that does "all things Moon". Artemis Society International is returning to its original charter as the meeting ground for Artemis Project program participants.

If I was previously a member of the Artemis Society International, am I now a member of the Moon Society?
Yes, if you were a member of ASI as of June 22, 2000, you are now a founding member of the Moon Society! ASI will continue to exist as a special interest group within the Moon Society, and is open to all members of the Moon Society.

What about Artemis Society chapters around the world?
All chapters previously belonging to the Artemis Society are now part of the Moon Society Chapters system. New chapters of the Moon Society are also being formed.



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