and of other Organizations
Page created 4/12/05 - updated 12/18/05
- The Artemis P)roject - designing, and someday errecting, a first commercial moonbase
- Renting the Mars Desert Research Station to conduct lunar outpost simulation exercises, as a precursor for Project Leto
- The Moon-Mars Homestead Project demonstrating technologies needed for permanent habitation
- The Lunar Study & Observing Certificate Program cosponsored with the American Lunar Society
Latest Updates and News - Artemis Moonbase Sim 1 is a "Go!"
The American Lunar Society - Observing Projects
- Lunar Impact Project
- Transient Lunar Phenomenon Project
- Lunar Dome Project
- Lunar Occultations Project
- Lunar Farside Dome and Lunar Nearside Cone Project
- Coordinator Topographical Studies
The Lunar Reclamation Society - Moon Society Milwaukee Outpost
- Ongoing
- Completed
- Artemis Moonbase Storyboard & Diorama & Moonbase Model
- The Lunar Homestead Exhibit Collection
- Inactive
- Copernicus Construction Company 1988-1996
- Mission Control Workshops 1993-2000
- Contributions Welcome
A.L.P.O. Lunar Section -Association of Lunar and Planetary Observors
- The Great Moonbuggy Race (The Moon Society will be joining as a cosponsor for the April 2006 event)