Society Now Offers Discount to Disabled Veterans

December 1, 2010 - Recently, a disabled veteran inquired whether or not we would extend our $20 membership rate for Students and Seniors to Disabled Veterans. This offer specifies that those registering at this rate have access to the pdf (electronic) version of our newsletter, Moon Miners' Manifesto, but will not be mailed a hardcopy version.

At the scheduled December 1st Moon Society Management Committee online meeting, this proposal received overwhelming support.

We are happy to announce today that Disabled Veterans may join the Society at this discount rate, which will apply to renewals as well.

Disabled Veterans are most welcome in our Society.
  • Some disabled veterans may have discretionary free time that will allow them to get involved in projects and other ways of promoting our positive vision of a future frontier on the Moon and in space in general.
  • Veterans as a population are likely to have a greater appreciation for technology, and be especially interested in peaceful, frontier opening applications.
This offer applies to disabled veterans abroad, and from other countries as well.
Applications will be accepted on the honor system.

The Society is informing the Disabled American Veterans Association of our new discount rate offer.

One can register online at:
or by mail to:

The Moon Society
P.O. Box 940825
Plano, TX 75094-0825

Checks, Money Orders, and major credit cards are honored

Questions about this offer should be emailed to:

or mailed to:

Moon Society Program Services
PO Box 080395
Milwaukee, WI 53208


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