The Moon Miners' Manifesto Archive Project
With issue #201, December 2006, Moon Miners' Manifesto celebrated its 20th Anniversary. In preparing for this celebration, we embarked on a plan to archive these 20 years.


PART ONE: Archiving the Articles

The MMM Classics

Starting in July 2004, we began an effort, dubbed the MMM Classics, to gather all the timeless articles of each issue, reedit and reillustrate them, and republish them in volumes of ten issues each, one volume per issue year, and put them on the web as PDF files. Anyone on any computer can download these files and open them with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download software package, and view them on the computer screen and/or print them out.

The MMM Classics try to capture the flavor of the time by using the appropriate masthead and font set for each issue.

There is a fair amount of color in these republished files.

The plan was to republish the first 10 years in this manner, with two classics volumes being published each January and two more each July.

We completed this initial goal a half year ahead of time, and have now extended the project to cover the all years up to three years before the current year. Accordingly, each January we will publish one more classics volume.

The MMM Classics volumes #1-18 can be downloaded from

In July 2008, look for a special Classics Volume gathering all articles about Mars from Years 1 through 10


Members Only Archive
Issues from May 2001 (#145) forward

individual issues of MMM are archived online in PDF format beginning with #145 in mid 2001. Members only (username and password required) can download these files at:


PART TWO: Indexing Twenty Years of Articles

Finding a labor-economical way to index 20 years of work

The game plan is to do a subject or topical index only, not an index by title.

  • article by article, issue by issue, list the major and the minor theme keywords.
  • Keep a running, accumulating index of major and minor instances of each of these key words.
  • Publish an Index, Keyword by Keyword, in alphabetical order, listing each issue and article where the topic is discussed or alluded to.
  • The result will be an online interlinked index.

We have not yet begun this project, and intend to undertake it when all the phases of the Archiving Project described above are completed.

This could possibly be operated by a dedicated search engine.

As the Editor tags the keywords, he could use the help of a volunteer to compile the actual hyperlinked index, and maintain an updated version on the web.


PART THREE: Compiling a Glossary of "MMM Speak"

In the Part Two Project of identifying key words, we will also note the first and successive appearances of new words, or of old words given new meanings.

Construction of an Online Glossary should proceed apace of construction of an Online hyper-index of topics.


PART FOUR: MMM Issues #201 ff.

As the MMM editor would probably soon drop over dead from boredom if he chose to hang it up on achieving the goal of issue #201, the plan is to keep going indefinitely as long as health, ability, and the flow of ideas continue.




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