A Moon Society WishList

General Revenue Sources and Applications:

Moon Society revenues consist principally of membership dues. These take care of membership processing costs, newsletter production and mailing and general operating costs. The overage provides us with a small nest egg with which to fund modest initiatives and projects.

We are fortunate to have enjoyed donated website hosting, website maintenance software & maintenance services. The officers and Board of Directors serve without compensation. We have an all volunteer staff.

Shortcomings of this situation

There are many initiatives and projects we have had to pass on because we could not fund them in a sustainable manner, let alone introduce them. These items make up the start of a wish list.

Our growing "Wish List", in no essential order of priority

Acquisition of professional quality artwork that illustrates the goals of the Moon Society, including milestone steps along the way.

Professional Display & Exhibit System for conferences and other outreach events

Travel and registration expenses of society leaders to attend important conferences. We take in some U.S. conferences whenever one or more of us can afford to bear all the expenses alone. Having a presence at international conferences such as the ILEWG-sponsored International Lunar Conference can be out of the question.

Website Hosting & Maintenance. While our principal site enjoys free hosting and maintenance services, we are now considering substantial projects which really should have websites of their own. Our MoonWiki Lunarpedia project is just the first of these

Deployment of a Lunar Analog Research Station. Land is not the question as suitable land can be leased free from the BLM, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, though with restrictions. The critical costs are for structures, their outfitting, utilities, and operation expenses. We are looking at many options, but even the most economic of these requires substantial funds that we do not have. Our plan is a horizontal "ranch style" modular complex that can grow from basic to a fully built-out state, with some components being mobile.

A Moon Society Visitor Center (Project Leto) in a high tourist traffic area to include bookstore, gift shop, conference rooms, displays, and hands-on exhibits through which visitors could learn about the Moon as well as about the possibilities that resourceful hardy pioneers could make themselves at home on this frontier, in support of an Earth-Moon Economy focused on solutions to Earth's stubborn energy and environmental problems. The crown jewel of the Visitor's center would be a duplicate Lunar Analog Research Station in which visitors can see what's happening currently in the real L.U.N.A. via live webcams.

More to be added

We deeply appreciate special targeted donations that will help us realize any of the above items on our "wish list." For more information, contact the Moon Society President, and/or the Moon Society Treasurer

The Many Ways to Give


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