Moon Society Website Migrates to a New Hosting Service

On September 1, 2011 the Moon Society Web Site migrated to a new hosting service at after over a decade of hosting with Pair Networks. This migration will allow us to provide the latest features and hardware available for web servers.

Because of differences in configuration on our new server, numerous problems occurred that required updates to the web site. We have been working on these as quickly as resources permit, and as of September 10, 2011 most of these issues have been corrected but some remain. Thank you for your patience during this migration. We expect to have the remaining issues corrected soon.

We would like to express special thanks to Randall Severy and CyberTeams. Not only does CyberTeams provide free hosting and use of their web site management software to the Moon Society, but Randall has been very diligent and responsive in helping to correct problems as they are identified. Thanks Randall!

Scotty Gammenthaler
Assistant Treasurer and member of the Web Team


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