LRS-MSMO Meetings & News



The Lunar Reclamation Society holds regular meetings, open to the public, at

Mayfair Mall on the city's west side,
in the
Community Room, G110),
located on the lower level "Garden Suites East".

Note: Mayfair now requires us to keep the door closed, but it is unlocked, and you can see through the sidelight that we are inside. Come on in!

This location [map] is handy to the North Avenue and Mayfair Road exits of the Highway 45 Freeway (northern continuation of the I-894 bypass), southbound and northbound respectively.

At Mayfair, from the central court, walk north (towards Macy's Department Store, formerly Marshall Fields) and take the first gallery to the right. Half way down on the left will be the sign "Garden Suites East" and a glass door leading to a stairway (with an elevator option.) G110 is just around the corner on the lower level.

RELAXED INFORMAL GATHERINGS are the rule. We usually have cozy roundtable first name sessions at which some of us give space news reports, updates on various chapter projects, or projects of other groups we are following. We usually have a presentation on a special topic, and often, a short video. Our meeting place is very nice, kitchen facilities available, and refreshments are often provided by various members on their own initiative.

MSMO: The membership of the Moon Society Milwaukee Outpost is too small to meat separately and the LRS meeting serves for both hats.

MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2011: 1-4 pm, the 2nd Saturday of the month except in July and August, during which months we may have a field trip and chapter picnic.


Jan 8th - Feb 12th - Mar 12th

Jul NO - Aug NO - Sep 10th

Apr 9th - May 14th - Jun 11th

Oct 8th - Nov 12th - Dec 10th


  • Saturday, DECEMBER 10th, 2011, 1-4 p.m.

    AGENDA:   Our 25th Annual Holiday Anniversary Party, potluck luncheon, exhibits, science-fiction film
    Our annual December Anniversary/Holiday Party
    – this year #25!  - will  be on Saturday December 10th :
    √ A Pizza Potluck: this year everyone is requested to bring a 12” pizza (non-rising crust, please!) of whatever variety they wish – we will have at least 2 pizza ovens on hand, along with paper plates, etc. You may bring beverages also, as you like.
    √ New Exhibits? Maybe, but no promises
    √ Take-home materials as usual
    2 pm sharp - The Science-Fiction film “Paul” if DVD is out.
    If not, we will be showing the comedy “Spaced Out